Kefi Diamonds
The 4 Cs:
Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut are the qualities that come together to define the unique beauty of your diamond. The 4Cs also determine the value of your diamond. To some, the quality of the carat may be more important than the cut of the diamond, while others favor the color of their stone compared to its clarity. Understanding the 4Cs can help you choose the diamond that suits both your lifestyle and your budget
Carat Weight:
- Simply put, diamond carat weight measures how much a diamond weighs
- 1 Carat is equivalent to 0.20 Grams
- Diamonds with higher Carat weights are more valuable, desirable, and ultimately rarer, making them more expensive.
- This means that the price of a diamond will increase exponentially as the carat size of the diamond increases
- Even though two diamonds might have the same Carat weight, their prices might be different depending on the remaining three other factors; Color, Clarity, and Cut.
Fact About Carat Weight:
- It is important to note that Carat “Ct” should not be confused with karat “Kt” which is the unit that measures the purity of gold.
- How did the term Carat come about to measure the weight of diamonds?
- In ancient times, before scales and units of mass were invented, diamond traders compared the weight of a diamond to the seeds of the Carob tree. Each Carob seed had a uniform weight and was used as a counterweight in their balances. Fast forward 1907, during the 4th general conference of weights and measures, it was agreed upon that one diamond Carat equals 0.20 Grams.
The Carat selection for your diamond purchase will generally be determined by your budget, so it’s best to set parameters for your price range, assess a range of qualities (Color/Clarity), and then find your preferred balance between size (Carat) and quality (Color/Clarity/Cut).

- Color is generally considered the second most important attribute when selecting a diamond. This is because it’s usually the most noticeable characteristic, aside from size. A diamond’s color grade refers to the presence or lack of “tint” in the diamond. In a white diamond, this would be a presence or lack of a yellow tint.
- The more a diamond is colorless, the rarer and more valuable it is.
- The Gemological Institute of America’s (GIA) D-to-Z diamond color grading scale is the industry's most widely accepted grading system. The scale begins with the letter D, representing colorless, and continues, with increasing presence of color, to the letter Z.
- Diamond prices decline or increase in alphabetical order. For example, a diamond with a G color grade is less expensive than a diamond with a D color grade.
At Kefi Jewelry we use G -H color Diamonds which allows us to maximize brilliance while still being price conscious
- Diamonds in the D-to-F range are considered “Colorless”; these stones are the rarest, and therefore the most valuable.
- Diamonds in the G-to-H range are considered “Near Colorless” and can offer more “value” with regards to pricing.
- Diamonds in the I-to-J range are defined by having “Faint Color”. This is subjective, and stone-specific.
- What causes different diamond colors? The answer is chemistry. A diamond is made up of pure carbon. During its development, other natural elements may be incorporated into the carbon, causing a chemical reaction that changes the color of the diamond. For instance, traces of nitrogen cause yellow diamonds, while boron traces give diamonds a blue color.
- Over time, diamonds will never change color, but a diamond’s setting can often influence its appearance. A yellow gold setting makes a light-yellow diamond appear whiter. Platinum and white gold settings, however, may make the yellow hue in a diamond more apparent. Similarly, a colorless diamond set in yellow gold may reflect the setting’s yellow tint.
- Natural diamonds are the result of carbon exposed to tremendous heat and pressure deep in the earth. This process can result in a variety of internal characteristics called ‘inclusions and external characteristics called ‘blemishes.’
- Diamond clarity refers to the absence of these inclusions and blemishes. Diamonds without these traits are rare, and so very valuable. Using the GIA Diamond Grading System, diamonds are assigned a clarity grade that ranges from flawless (FL) to diamonds with obvious inclusions (I3).
- The term “eye clean” means that the diamond’s inclusions are too small to see without magnification.
At Kefi Jewelry we use VS-SI Diamond, all of which are eye clean.
- Diamonds are renowned for their ability to transmit light and sparkle so intensely. We often think of a diamond’s cut as shape (round, heart, oval, marquise, pear), but what diamond cut means is how well a diamond’s facets interact with light.
- An expertly cut diamond with perfectly symmetrical and aligned facets will maximize luster and sparkle.
- This is because it reflects light internally from one mirror-like facet to another, dispersing it through its uppermost surface, referred to as the table. Finally, the polish gives a diamond its beautiful outside finish.
- A diamond cut to excellent proportion and symmetry will reflect the perfect balance of light back through the top of the stone, while a poorly cut diamond will result in a loss of light, and hence sparkle, through the sides and bottom.
- Precise artistry and workmanship are required to fashion a stone, so its proportions, symmetry and polish deliver the magnificent return of light only possible in a diamond.
The Anatomy Of A Diamond:
Table: The largest facet of a gemstone
Crown: The top portion of a diamond extending from the girdle to the table
Girdle: The intersection of the crown and pavilion which defines the circumference of a diamond
Diameter: The measurement from one girdle edge of a diamond straight across to the opposing side
Pavilion: The bottom portion of a diamond, extending from the girdle to the culet
Culet: The facet at the tip of a gemstone. The preferred culet is not visible with the unaided eye (graded "none" or "small")
Depth: The height of a gemstone measured from the culet to the table
Diamond Shapes:
- Diamonds are symbolic of glitz and glamour. When you think of diamonds, you probably picture a round, shiny stone. However, diamonds come in a wide range of shapes and cuts. The differences in the cut determine the stone’s beauty
- To set the record straight, shape refers to the geometrical outline of the stone – oval, pear, heart etc. On the other hand, cut refers to how well the diamond’s facets are proportioned and finished.
- Examples of Different Diamond Shapes are: